Today’s Procrastination Checklist

Um, OK, let’s see what I’ve done today to avoid doing what I need to do for tomorrow.

Online work? Check.

Homemade crackers? Check.

Homemade potato-onion-cheddar peirogi with dough from my library copy of Recipes Remembered (recipe’s not online, but a sample of the book is)? Check.

Grocery store run for 14 more pounds of juicing carrots at $.25/pound? Check.

25-minute layered pressure-cooker Shabbat duck menu plan completed? Check.

18-minute layered pressure-cooker lamb dinner menu plan completed to see if layering in the pressure cooker works? Check.

Hand-scrubbed bathroom tile floor? Check.

Stripped and remade the bed. Check.

Laundry? Check.

Treadmill? Check.

Listen to Ecclesiastes? Check.


So this is the record of my last free Tuesday of the semester.

And now, off to do all the vain work I’ve been given to do under the sun. Or maybe I’ll make dinner first.


How about dog treats and a 1/3 batch of oatmeal cookies -cinnamon, -refined sugars. I think I need to surrender.

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